Special Moon Sequence by Michael Zunini


What Will You Learn?

  • This sequence it's for the days when you are low energy or moon days. It's restorative, it's exactly for that kind of days when you feel very low or you have an injury, just to keep moving but very slow.
  • So I'm gonna start this similar, like all the sequence, have a standing sequence, sitting sequence and finishings.
  • The breath is very long, so try to do the breath in four steps, If you can inhale and count internally four times, and exhale in four times.
  • You can do it fast too, but then the rest gonna be different. So if you want to calm your mind and calm your body and heal yourself from some injuries, and to do very slow, I know can be for some people it's a little bit, uh, boring, but me.
  • Try to follow me and Enjoy! 
  • With love, Michael.

Course Content

Moon Sequence

  • Practice

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